Wednesday 28 March 2012

First round of chemotherapy for Bella. Go Bella!

Bella started Chemotherapy on Monday. She spent the day at the clinic while they infused Doxorubucin. I picked her up mid day but must have driven over a whole bunch of industrial staples as I had about 50 in my tire when I arrived at the clinic. Needless to say we spent a few extra hours at the clinic while the tire was changed.
We were told the side effects of chemotherapy would not have any effects until at least 24 hours post. We are now two days out and you wouldn't even know Bella had it administered. She is almost better now then before. I think a lot has to do with her daddy and brother coming back from Fort McMurray.
The trickiest part is the fact that I am pregnant and I am not allowed to have any contact with Bella or her excrement for at least 48 hours post chemotherapy. Should be some interesting times when her daddy is not here.
Tonight Bella will go visit the pool to prepare her for her first aqua therapy class. We are so excited for her wound to fully heal and to get her in the water.

Friday 23 March 2012

You never know what each day will bring but amongst obstacles come angels and miracles

Bella is a six year old golden retriever. She loves balls, treats, swimming, kids and her companions. From the day Bella was born she's had a harder go at life than most. More has happened to her in her six years then will ever happen to us in our lifetime. Remembering that 1 dog year = 7 human years...

Bella was diagnosed with colitis at 3 months, epilepsy at one year and osteosarcoma (bone cancer) at 6 years. Not to mention the puncture wounds, ear infections, tooth abscesses and pretty much anything else that can happen to a dog. She sees an Internal Medicine Specialist, a Neurologist and now a Medical Oncologist. She takes 4 narcotics 4 times a day for her seizures and her back end is wobbly from all the medications. Yet she continues to trek on through loving life. Something we could all learn and live by.

I work in the healthcare industry and was not sure what it meant for Bella's fate when she was diagnosed with osteosarcoma. We thought she had torn a cruciate or had hip dysplasia. Cancer never even entered our mind.

Instead two weeks ago Bella had her left back leg amputated. That alone is a costly major surgery and only grants them a few extra months.

90% of dogs with osteosarcoma additionally have lung metastasis. Removing the bone removes the primary tumor site but no the secondary or tertiary sites. Chemotherapy is the only option to conquer the cancer.
I didn't think we could afford the costs of chemotherapy and I madly began searching for costs, outcomes and subsidy as it is all a delicate balance. I stumbled upon this amazing Alberta organization - ACTSS:

ACTSS has offered to subsidize a portion of Bella's entire cancer treatment. In this tough time this is a complete blessing and makes everything else a little easier. Not only that but they have been there for us since the diagnosis, offering grief support and an ear to listen. So amazing to know someone understands as people’s reactions can vary when they know it is a fury family member.

Yesterday Bella went in to have her sutures removed. She is scheduled to begin chemotherapy on Monday.
Her internal medicine specialist is Dr. Barton at Calgary North Veterinary Hospital:

While there we were touched by another angel. A lady by the name of Tanya Blackmore approached us regarding Bella and her rehab. She not only works at Calgary North but is "Certified Canine Water Therapist" at:

Dr. Barton had told Tanya about Bella and his concern regarding Bella's wobbly back end due to her epilepsy medications. Tanya has offered her time and services to work with Bella in water rehab for as long as she needs so she can be as successful as possible as a tripod. To my husband and I this is a miracle. To Bella this involves water, ball and treats, three of her favorite things and Tanya who I am certain will soon also become Bella's companion - her fourth.

The final item on Bella's list of "loves" is children. I am 11 weeks pregnant expecting our first child. Bella loves nothing more than children and we are blessed that with all this help and support she will be given the strength and support to fight this horrible disease and meet this baby. She already can hear the heart beat and does a wonderful bumble bee dance for the baby. Once again Bella's life will be complete and perfect.

We cannot thank Tanya enough for her generous offer. She is truly an angel. And we are looking forward to Bella's wound healing and getting her in the water.

Angels truly exist and we have been blessed with two landing on our shoulder over the last few weeks. This would have never happened without the help and support of Stephanie Belland from ACTSS, Tanya Blackmore from Pawsitively Pooched, Dr. Barton and the staff at Calgary North Veterinary Hospital, and all our amazing friends and family! xoxox to you all.